Todays winter walk and talk was the last DadSpace event of 2022.

We met at The Musket Brewery and had a brief meet and greet to introduce ourselves and the project to the new faces.
We each took the opportunity to talk about our Christmas experiences, past, present and future! Despite it being a challenging year for all, there was a definite sense of pride and satisfaction in the marquee today. We then headed out on a rather wet and windy walk through the orchards and stopped to admire at StPeters Church to admire the stunning view and all the deer came out to welcome us.

Amongst many things, we discussed new Year’s resolutions, our personal goals and the future of DadSpace for 2023! Lots of exciting ideas and projects in the works and it’s all possible because of your support. Brotherly Support Between Fathers is our motto and it has been a pleasure to see so many of you over the last year.
In an age of anti-social media apps… Sharing and supporting one and other in person has proven to be a very powerful tool for mind body and soul. DadSpace aims to make 2023 a year to remember and bring our vision of Brotherly Support to as many Fathers and Families as we can.
Thank you to all of our venues for hosting us this year and most importantly the fathers for attending, as without you, there would be no DadSpace at all!